In early 2024, recognized by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health as a leader in Cervical Cancer Prevention in Guatemala, the SewHope Cytotechnology Laboratory received
official licensing. The Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MOH) currently refers women with abnormal results to SewHope for secondary screenings and treatments. The lab, which is equipped with the latest technology for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis, has the capacity to review and provide quality control for all pap smears conducted throughout the MOH. |
The school, which will be the only one in the northern half of Guatemala, will offer an accredited cytotechnology program to students from throughout Central America and will train cytologists on state-of-the-art microscopes, with classes taught by experts in the field from Central America and the United States.
Cervical cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer death in women in Guatemala. SewHope screened over 5,000 women in 2023, and we plan to double that number in 2024. Organizations such as ProPath, Hologic and ProMedica, along with thousands of supporters, believe in a world where everyone has access to healthcare. We are proud to partner with them as changemakers in Peten, Guatemala.
Together, we are building a brighter future for Guatemalan women. Join us on this journey, and be a part of lasting change.
From food packing events and Civics Day presentations involving drawing competitions and singing, to a lantern parade in celebration of Guatemalan Independence Day, SewHope is having a busy fall! Our US based team will be in Peten in November, during which time our students will have physical and eye exams and cell biology lessons, learn origami, and play chess! In addition to seeing patients in our clinic, our cervical cancer prevention team will hold 5 jornadas throughout the area, and expect to screen 1000 women.
SewHope Cytotechnology School and Lab
In late 2023 SewHope, recognized by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health as a leader in Cervical Cancer Prevention in Guatemala, will open the SewHope Cytotechnology School and Lab. The Guatemalan Ministry of Health (MOH) currently refers women with abnormal results to SewHope for secondary screenings and treatments. The lab, which will be equipped with the latest technology for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis, will have the capacity to review and provide quality control for all pap smears conducted throughout the MOH. |
The school, which will be the only one in the northern half of Guatemala, will offer an accredited cytotechnology program to students from throughout Central America and will train cytologists on state-of-the-art microscopes, with classes taught by experts in the field from Central America and the United States.
Our Guatemalan nursing staff, physicians, and volunteers will screen over 5,000 women in 2023, and we plan to double that in 2024 and see 10,000 women.
Organizations such as ProPath, Hologic, and ProMedica, along with thousands of supporters, also believe in a world where everyone has access to healthcare. We are proud to partner with them as changemakers in Peten, Guatemala.
Together, we are building a brighter future for all. Join us on this journey, and be a part of lasting change.
Our Guatemalan nursing staff, physicians, and volunteers will screen over 5,000 women in 2023, and we plan to double that in 2024 and see 10,000 women.
Organizations such as ProPath, Hologic, and ProMedica, along with thousands of supporters, also believe in a world where everyone has access to healthcare. We are proud to partner with them as changemakers in Peten, Guatemala.
Together, we are building a brighter future for all. Join us on this journey, and be a part of lasting change.
February 2023
In early February 2023, Dr. Ruch and a team of cervical cancer specialists from Central America and the United States traveled to Guatemala to expand SewHope's Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. During the three week trip they will screen over 1000 women in rural villages across Peten, and at SewHope's clinic in Santa Ana. Dr. Ruch and SewHope nurses screen the women in mobile clinics, with the paps being read on site by a pathologist and 3 cytologists, so that women will know their results same-day. Arrangements are immediately made for those who need additional treatment. Below are some photos from the group's first few days traveling in Peten.
SewHope is working to end cervical cancer in Guatemala.
In early February 2023, Dr. Ruch and a team of cervical cancer specialists from Central America and the United States traveled to Guatemala to expand SewHope's Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. During the three week trip they will screen over 1000 women in rural villages across Peten, and at SewHope's clinic in Santa Ana. Dr. Ruch and SewHope nurses screen the women in mobile clinics, with the paps being read on site by a pathologist and 3 cytologists, so that women will know their results same-day. Arrangements are immediately made for those who need additional treatment. Below are some photos from the group's first few days traveling in Peten.
SewHope is working to end cervical cancer in Guatemala.
December 2022
During Dr. Ruch's trip to Guatemala in early November, this patient came for her follow up. Her story is all too common in Guatemala.
In February she and her mother came to see Dr. Anne, and both had abnormal paps. They both had LEEPs done, a procedure that is part of the treatment for cancerous conditions. It was determined that the mother's cancer was advanced, and needed additional treatment, so the family sold their home and land - everything they had - so that they could pay for her chemo and radiation at a local hospital. The daughter told us there is no question that they did the right thing. Today they are both cancer free, and the family remains whole.
The advocacy for screening that SewHope Guatemala staff does is saving lives. Our Cervical Cancer Prevention Program screened 2800 women for cervical cancer in 2022, and the number will grow in 2023. Thank you to our supporters for helping us in this fight!
During Dr. Ruch's trip to Guatemala in early November, this patient came for her follow up. Her story is all too common in Guatemala.
In February she and her mother came to see Dr. Anne, and both had abnormal paps. They both had LEEPs done, a procedure that is part of the treatment for cancerous conditions. It was determined that the mother's cancer was advanced, and needed additional treatment, so the family sold their home and land - everything they had - so that they could pay for her chemo and radiation at a local hospital. The daughter told us there is no question that they did the right thing. Today they are both cancer free, and the family remains whole.
The advocacy for screening that SewHope Guatemala staff does is saving lives. Our Cervical Cancer Prevention Program screened 2800 women for cervical cancer in 2022, and the number will grow in 2023. Thank you to our supporters for helping us in this fight!
October 2022
Taking advantage of the beautiful weather at the end of October, nearly 200 runners and walkers gathered at Secor Metropark to take part in the fourth and final trail race of the Toledo Roadrunners Club and SewHope trail series. An annual event, these races bring hundred of people together to have fun and support SewHope while doing it! Over the series, more than $7000 has been raised to support the public health projects that bring clean water, safe stoves, sustainable agriculture, and so much more to the people of Guatemala.
Taking advantage of the beautiful weather at the end of October, nearly 200 runners and walkers gathered at Secor Metropark to take part in the fourth and final trail race of the Toledo Roadrunners Club and SewHope trail series. An annual event, these races bring hundred of people together to have fun and support SewHope while doing it! Over the series, more than $7000 has been raised to support the public health projects that bring clean water, safe stoves, sustainable agriculture, and so much more to the people of Guatemala.
September 2022
Remember the vertical garden that we set up thanks to supplies from CIFT and SeaGate Food Bank?! Using recycled gallon containers, Elder and Marcelo are building a vertical garden to mirror the original prototype! After they complete the garden and work out any kinks, they will help community members build their own gardens and provide their families with fresh fruits and vegetables!
Remember the vertical garden that we set up thanks to supplies from CIFT and SeaGate Food Bank?! Using recycled gallon containers, Elder and Marcelo are building a vertical garden to mirror the original prototype! After they complete the garden and work out any kinks, they will help community members build their own gardens and provide their families with fresh fruits and vegetables!
In early June, several amazing volunteers returned from SewHope's campus in El Petén after celebrating the grand opening of the new education building! Hundreds of community members, program participants, and families gathered together to commemorate the occasion. This has been a dream come true for SewHope and we could not be more proud of our supporters who helped make this happen!
In early June, several amazing volunteers returned from SewHope's campus in El Petén after celebrating the grand opening of the new education building! Hundreds of community members, program participants, and families gathered together to commemorate the occasion. This has been a dream come true for SewHope and we could not be more proud of our supporters who helped make this happen!
MARCH 2022
A team of volunteers recently spent three weeks in Guatemala, completing many large projects! Electricians from the United States have been working with our Guatemalan construction team for several months to lay the groundwork for electricity and internet in our new school. The moment the lights were turned on is one we will never forget. Watch the wonderful moment below!
A team of volunteers recently spent three weeks in Guatemala, completing many large projects! Electricians from the United States have been working with our Guatemalan construction team for several months to lay the groundwork for electricity and internet in our new school. The moment the lights were turned on is one we will never forget. Watch the wonderful moment below!
The new school year in Guatemala has begun, and we have 128 students registered for our education program! Construction on our new school building is complete, and in mid-February 2022, a team from the United States will be in Petén to continue work on the interior. We are excited to move our growing program into the new space as we continue work towards the goal of becoming an independent school!
The new school year in Guatemala has begun, and we have 128 students registered for our education program! Construction on our new school building is complete, and in mid-February 2022, a team from the United States will be in Petén to continue work on the interior. We are excited to move our growing program into the new space as we continue work towards the goal of becoming an independent school!
November 2021
Several students from SewHope's Education Program received a tour of their new school!
They are extremely grateful to our donors and all of the people involved in making their dreams come true.
Several students from SewHope's Education Program received a tour of their new school!
They are extremely grateful to our donors and all of the people involved in making their dreams come true.
October 2021
The school construction continues to move towards the finish line! Not only has the exterior been painted a vibrant blue, just like that of the Guatemalan flag, but now every classroom is its own beautiful, bright color and the doors and windows have been installed.
The school construction continues to move towards the finish line! Not only has the exterior been painted a vibrant blue, just like that of the Guatemalan flag, but now every classroom is its own beautiful, bright color and the doors and windows have been installed.
September 2021
September is "Back to School" for the US students while, for those in Guatemala, the school year is in its last couple of months. SewHope has been working tirelessly to prepare our new building for our students' return. We have a roof and soon the electrical will be installed but the latest edition... fresh paint!
September is "Back to School" for the US students while, for those in Guatemala, the school year is in its last couple of months. SewHope has been working tirelessly to prepare our new building for our students' return. We have a roof and soon the electrical will be installed but the latest edition... fresh paint!
June 2021
SewHope is partnering with the Guatemalan Ministry of Health and local Guatemalan physicians to work to eliminate cervical cancer - a devastating and completely preventable disease. Hear how this collaboration is changing lives.
SewHope is partnering with the Guatemalan Ministry of Health and local Guatemalan physicians to work to eliminate cervical cancer - a devastating and completely preventable disease. Hear how this collaboration is changing lives.
April 2021
What does SewHope mean to the people of Guatemala? How are we impacting their lives? Hear directly from them in this beautiful video, put together by Guatemalan videographer Julio Ochaeta.
What does SewHope mean to the people of Guatemala? How are we impacting their lives? Hear directly from them in this beautiful video, put together by Guatemalan videographer Julio Ochaeta.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Program Update:
Because cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Guatemala, SewHope has made it a priority to work on its prevention. Since 2007, we have screened and treated over 12,000 women. On her recent three-week trip to Guatemala in February, 2021, Dr. Anne Ruch and her team screened over 650 women. In addition, 30 women had additional testing and treatment for abnormal pap smears. These procedures are otherwise only available in Guatemala City which is a 10- hour trip from Petén. The Guatemalan Ministry of Health is now sending SewHope all of their abnormal findings and we are working closely with them to eliminate this devastating but completely preventable disease.
Because cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Guatemala, SewHope has made it a priority to work on its prevention. Since 2007, we have screened and treated over 12,000 women. On her recent three-week trip to Guatemala in February, 2021, Dr. Anne Ruch and her team screened over 650 women. In addition, 30 women had additional testing and treatment for abnormal pap smears. These procedures are otherwise only available in Guatemala City which is a 10- hour trip from Petén. The Guatemalan Ministry of Health is now sending SewHope all of their abnormal findings and we are working closely with them to eliminate this devastating but completely preventable disease.
January 2021
Our students are back to in person learning!
On January 25 the new school year began in Guatemala, and our students returned for in person learning! With schools in Guatemala still shut down, and not anticipated to open for in person learning until 2022, we are thrilled that we are able to offer in person lessons. Students are meeting for shorter periods of time, in small groups, socially distanced and in open air classrooms. Our staff has built an outdoor sink which the students are using. We are grateful to our staff, and to all our supporters who sponsor a child! Thank you for helping make this return to in person learning possible!
Our students are back to in person learning!
On January 25 the new school year began in Guatemala, and our students returned for in person learning! With schools in Guatemala still shut down, and not anticipated to open for in person learning until 2022, we are thrilled that we are able to offer in person lessons. Students are meeting for shorter periods of time, in small groups, socially distanced and in open air classrooms. Our staff has built an outdoor sink which the students are using. We are grateful to our staff, and to all our supporters who sponsor a child! Thank you for helping make this return to in person learning possible!
Hurricanes Eta and Iota destroyed several villages in Peten, displaced families, and contributed to the ongoing food crisis that is affecting families already reeling from the devastating effects of COVID-19. Through generous donations from our supporters, and using our education center as a community gathering point, this past December our staff assembled and distributed over 600 food and personal hygiene bags to families who lost what little they had. Thank you for those who generously contributed, and thank you to our staff for being messengers of hope.